Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The 7 Habits

We are working hard to be great leaders at school!  Last week we learned Habit 1:  Be Proactive.  It is great to see the kids being proactive at school and actually using the word!!

This week we are working on Habit 2:  Begin With the End in Mind. Make a Plan

We came up with a classroom goal and each student came up with one personal goal.  Some of their personal goals are learning to tie shoes, be nicer to siblings, clip off the chart once a week and many more.  After the first report card, we will each set an academic goal too.  I will be sending a copy of their goals home and they will keep a copy in their leadership binders.

Such a great group of kids!   So excited for a fun year!  Check out some of our goals!


Monday, August 17, 2015

A Great First Week

We made it!  We survived the first week of school.  Lots of clip ups and team rewards for awesome behavior! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The First Couple of Days

What a great couple of days we have had in Room 4!  I have such a sweet group of kids.  I can tell we are going to have a fun year!  We have been busy the last couple of days learning rules, routines, procedures, expectations and so on.  The kids might not consider this much "fun" but I have enjoyed getting to know the kids.  Check out some of our first day pictures!

The kids had fun exploring with some of the math manipulatives.

Look!  EVERYONE clipped off the chart on the first day! (I could barely fit them all on my necklace). They did a great job listening to rule after rule!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Back to School!

It is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end.   I have been working hard this summer getting my room ready for another batch of sweet little first graders!  I am excited for a new year.  Join us for the Ice Cream Social on Monday, August 10th.  Stop by and check out our classroom.

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Enjoy your weekend!