Lots of fun things coming up at CE! Here are a few things that are going on over the next couple of weeks.
*Thursday, October 15th is Leadership Day at CE! The kids have learned about the 7 Habits and will be getting a Leadership t-shirt on Wednesday to wear on Thursday. We will keep the shirts at school and pass them out Thursday morning. We want to make sure everyone has one on for our Leadership convocation on Thursday.
*Report cards will be sent home electronically on Thursday. I will send an email out letting you know when they have been sent so you can be looking for it.
*We will be doing a team building activity on Thursday with our buddy class-Mrs. Hepp's class. We are lucky to get a 2nd buddy class-Mrs. Nilo's class so we hope to get together with them sometime this week too!
*Donuts with Dads is Thursday, October 22nd and Friday, October 23rd!
The book fair will also be set up and ready for you to shop during this time.
I can't believe the first 9 weeks is coming to an end. As the saying goes, "Time flies when you are having fun!" I have enjoyed getting to know my students and look forward to a lot more learning and fun these next 9 weeks!