Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

All day today I was asked, "Are we going to do fun stuff today?"  I said, "I thought we did fun stuff everyday!"  I guess they were wanting some sort of a party.  Unfortunately, we don't do Halloween parties but I did try to make the day fun for them.  We had drawings throughout the day for fun prizes. 

The kids are pretty good at making connections when they read so we read The Littlest Pumpkin.  The littlest pumpkin was disappointed because he thought no one was going to pick him for Halloween.  The kids had to write about a time they were disappointed.  They did a great job!  Be sure to stop by and check them out.  They will be hanging outside our door.  As we were reading, we made some predictions along the way.  So...we had to wear our super silly prediction glasses to help us think.  Don't they look so cute!