Friday, September 12, 2014

What a Fun Week!!

I am so proud of my kids! They are hard little workers and we are "on the go"all the time.  They have learned so much in a short amount of time.  Here are a few things we have been working on:

*Smiley Sentences-We just learned about this so it is fairly new to the kids.  Ask your child if they remember "smiley sentences."

*Writing narratives-the kids are working on writing stories.  We have been talking about "zooming in" on one small topic (the seed) rather than one big top (the watermelon).
For example:  instead of writing about a whole trip to Disneyworld, the kids focus in on one small detail..a favorite ride.

*We have been talking about our school family so the kids worked in pairs to interview a school worker.  We will finish up our final writing and portraits this week.  Be sure to check our bulletin board in the next week or so.  They are doing a wonderful job with this task.